Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to get up and going with Python on a new EC2 instance

Create the EC2 Instance

(Skip this if you can skip it)
Go to and choose Launch Instance
Choose a Linux Distro (I am choosing Ubuntu)
* SLES 11 is missing a readline lib which appears to be used by Python >= 2.7.6 as well as Python 3. My naive attempt to download and install readline did not work, and even if it had I would have been left wondering what was going to fail next.

Create a key pair. This will save a public key on the remote EC2 instance and prompt you to save the private key (.pem) file. DO NOT LOSE THIS FILE! You can't just generate a new key pair, because you won't have any way of installing it on the EC2 instance. You'll have to create an all new instance. If you have spent quite a bit of time getting a VM just right, this would be bad, because you'd lose it.

This launches your instance!

Logging in
One nice thing is by generating the keypair you automatically get SSH magic for login, which means you never need a password.

Check python with which python and `which python` --version

On Ubuntu you don't have easy install unless you do this
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

Then install pip

$ sudo easy_install pip

Then install virtualenv
$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Then create a virtualenv and install Django in it 
$ virtualenv first
$ cd first
$ bin/pip install Django
$ . bin/activate
Now you are ready to Django!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Testin like Destin

This isn't a real posting. I'm just practicing so I look smart when I show my friend Natalie how to blog it like it's hot.

Speaking of Destin, check out the photo. Not too shabby.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Welcome to the Radish Report

Welcome to the Radish Report! And welcome to the obligatory first posting, to see if this thing really works.

More to follow. One hopes.